FinRobot is an automatic assembler of financial Models in Microsoft Excel. It allows you to set online parameters for your project and download a financial Model with working formulae and input fields in Microsoft Excel.

When ordering your Model online, sensitive financial data about your business does not need to be inputted, if you prefer not to. Your Model will be delivered with dummy financial data, which can be replaced with your own inputs off-line as needed.

Your Model can be further modified off-line. Unlike the black box solutions, the code and type of formulae are intentionally simple and transparent.

Currently, FinRobot provides five versions of the Model called 'Base Model', 'Case Builder Model', ‘TopLine Model’, ‘Quick IRR Model’ and ‘Quick RE Development Model’. This Manual describes the functionality of the Quick RE Development Model. To read more about our other Models please refer to their respective manuals (available on-line and as a download in pdf).

An initial understanding of the Model’s layout and templates can be achieved by viewing screenshots (previews) of the Model from the Models’ section of our site. Note that yellow fields are data input fields which can be re-populated with data off-line without any risk of unintentionally altering the functionality or structure of the Model. Please ensure you make a back-up after downloading your Model.

Our Models have been successfully tested for Microsoft Office Excel 2007-2013. If your installation of Microsoft Office is different, you may wish to use free Microsoft Office converters. However, we do not guarantee that the Model will retain all of its functionality and graphical representations if opened in a different version of Microsoft Office.

Quick Real Estate (RE) Development Model performs back-of-the-envelope funding and returns calculation for a new real estate development. By entering few parameters on-line you can download an Excel model which based on your inputs spreads cash flows and calculates peak funding / break-even and expected returns for a new real estate project.

It is free and you can re-run your inputs off-line as many times as you like. To gain access to more functionality including debt leverage and taxes calculations (as described below) you may consider purchasing full version for a modest fee.

Our Quick RE Development Model allows you to -

  • Choose your own calendar start and stop dates for the project (monthly, quarterly or annually)
  • Input total footage of your project, acquisition (land), planning and construction costs required (the model will spread cash costs over user determined timeline)
  • Assume gross to net footage area and sale value for completed property; the model will automatically spread sale proceeds over user determined timeline
  • Set amount of debt financing available (LTV) to fund acquisition, planning and construction phases (full version only), the model will automatically calculate drawdown and repayment schedules
  • Perform IRR, required funding, break-even and payback calculations
  • Compare pre- and post- tax cash flows and returns (paid version only)
  • Differentiate inflation factors for individual revenue and cost items (full version only), the model will automatically adjust key real terms input variable for user defined inflation factors for each forecast period

Additional inputs can be manipulated in both free and purchased versions of the Model in Excel as shown in Preview. Note that yellow fields represent inputs easily changeable in the purchased Excel file, without you needing to know how to code in Excel. For further details regarding functionality of Free vs. Full versions please read more below.